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An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a type of investment that tracks a basket of securities, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or other assets. ETFs are diversified as they hold multiple underlying assets, which can help reduce the risk and volatility of your investments.
When an investor buys an ETF, they receive shares in the ETF, which gives them access to the underlying assets that the ETF invests in. This means they don't own the underlying shares or assets directly.
Our ETFs are the first Shariah-compliant ETFs in Australia and are benchmarked against the MSCI World Islamic Index, MSCI REITs Index and Bloomberg Global Aggregate USD Sukuk Index.
We employ a 3-tier Shariah governance process to ensure its compliance. We begin by subscribing to Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). Thereafter, we engage IdealRatings to filter investments for Shariah compliance. Lastly, we appointed Global Islamic Financial Services (GIFS), to oversee and audit us periodically to ensure that the highest standards of Sharia compliance are upheld.